Our Partners
A network of support.
Our partners include governments, and public and civil service agencies, who help us identify professional skills gaps and rigorously select, train, support, and place young people into permanent roles that are inspiring and meaningful.
Government of Ghana
Office of the Head of the Civil Service
Civil Service Training Centre
Emerging Public Leaders of Ghana
Government of Liberia
Civil Service Agency of Liberia
USAID Liberia
President’s Young Professionals Program
Government of Kenya
Public Service Commission of Kenya
Chandler Institute of Governance
Emerging Leaders Foundation - Africa
Government of Malawi
Office of the President and Cabinet
Department of Human Resource Management and Development
Malawi School of Government
In Partnership with
Mastercard Foundation
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Anonymous Foundation
Talbott and Carter Simonds Foundation
A. Angela Lancaster
Cantwell F. Muckenfuss III
Betsy Williams
Tom Moore
Jake Elliot Blumenthal
Kara Nortman
Michelle D. Gavin
Sarah Scheening
Todd Johnson
Our Anonymous Donors